Thursday, September 30, 2010

go big or go home

This week has been really ridiculous. Endless studying and stressing out over the stupidest things. I can definitely see the effects through the pimples that randomly appeared. This semester has probably been the most busiest and stressful out of my whole college career. I find little things to stress out about and I'm running around all over the place. But no one ever said life was easy. As cliche as that sounds, its pretty damn true.

Hope your week has gone well.

All The Day Holiday - Greener

Random vent - I really did like her. She was probably someone that could have been "right" for me. Yet I found one thing that I didn't like about her and I pushed her away from me. I put myself in a position where I thought everything was going right for me but it was quite the opposite. It ended up falling apart because of me and that was it. It was one of those wtf was I thinking moments. Its kind of funny, most girls that I have dated or had an interest in have always found someone after me and are still with them now. Glad to know they're happy with where they are in life. Thats pretty much it. See? I think too much. :/

Monday, September 20, 2010

À vivre

I've come to realize that there are a lot of things that most of us don't notice about ourselves. Whether it's taking someone for granted, being selfish or not respecting others, we typically put things we don't want to hear on mute and live life with what makes us happy. Which is fine, don't get me wrong. It's your life and you should be happy/content with it. But its always good to hear what others have to say about you. Makes you think, makes you change, makes you aware of how you're like to other people.

Something to think about.

M83 - Midnight Souls Still Remain

Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Beginnings 2K10 Fall Style

So here we are again. Its that time of the year where people get their party on before school starts and everyone is either excited or dreading the first day of school. Thankfully, I have 3 more semesters left and I will be done with school in general. However, the thought of post-undergrad schooling has been looming in my mind for quite some time. Seems like a college degree has become the equivalent to a high school diploma depending on what major you're going for. Crazy how far I've come and the shit I've been through. Wish everything was easier but whats the fun in that?

Not really feelin writing right now but I wanted to at least post a random thought down. I'm thinking for every entry I do from now on, I will post a band or specific song I've been listening to that day or that I'm diggin for the week.

Current Music: Brand New

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


I decided to use blogspot again. Tumblr got way too out of control. I'll post every now and then and reblog some pictures but it's not as personal. SO yea... I'll post rants and stuff here than on tumblr.