Saturday, August 21, 2010

New Beginnings 2K10 Fall Style

So here we are again. Its that time of the year where people get their party on before school starts and everyone is either excited or dreading the first day of school. Thankfully, I have 3 more semesters left and I will be done with school in general. However, the thought of post-undergrad schooling has been looming in my mind for quite some time. Seems like a college degree has become the equivalent to a high school diploma depending on what major you're going for. Crazy how far I've come and the shit I've been through. Wish everything was easier but whats the fun in that?

Not really feelin writing right now but I wanted to at least post a random thought down. I'm thinking for every entry I do from now on, I will post a band or specific song I've been listening to that day or that I'm diggin for the week.

Current Music: Brand New